The Heartbreak Kid (2007) - Movie Review
The Heartbreak Kid (2007) Cast : Ben Stiller, Malin Akerman, Michelle Monahan Directed by Bob and Peter Farrelly Review by Zulfiqar - Rating ( 3/5) Farrelly brothers’ method-in-madness comedy is enjoyable to say the least when it works. And most of the time it works. In ‘Heartbreak Kid’, they follow their simple formula of describing the misadventures of a nerd in his romantic pursuits. Eddie (Ben Stiller), a sports-shop owner in the up-market area of San Francisco, is out fishing for the perfect girl. He is a loser in terms of amour-al issues and possesses a nice heart that he doesn’t mind attending a past fiancee’s wedding on valentine’s day. His father (Jerry Stiller) cuss-advises him to get hitched with the right girl and he feels he meets her in the face of Lila (Malin Akerman), the girl whose purse he tries to futil...