
Showing posts from June, 2017

The Heartbreak Kid (2007) - Movie Review

The Heartbreak Kid (2007)  Cast : Ben Stiller, Malin Akerman, Michelle Monahan Directed by Bob and Peter Farrelly Review by Zulfiqar - Rating  ( 3/5)             Farrelly brothers’ method-in-madness comedy is enjoyable to say the least when it works. And most of the time it works. In ‘Heartbreak Kid’, they follow their simple formula of describing the misadventures of a nerd in his romantic pursuits.             Eddie (Ben Stiller), a sports-shop owner in the up-market area of San Francisco, is out fishing for the perfect girl. He is a loser in terms of amour-al issues and possesses a nice heart that he doesn’t mind attending a past fiancee’s wedding on valentine’s day. His father (Jerry Stiller) cuss-advises him to get hitched with the right girl and he feels he meets her in the face of Lila (Malin Akerman), the girl whose purse he tries to futil...

The Mummy (2017) - Movie Review

The Mummy (2017) - Movie Review Cast : Tom Cruise, Russell Crowe, Sofia Boutella, Annabelle Wallis Directed by Alex Kurtzman Review by Zulfiqar   Rating - 2.5/5 There goes another production house reincarnating another franchise so that it can mint coins for another 10 to 12 years with just its title. Movie franchises in this day are the symbols for our concession of defeat in the field of creativity. In this new Mummy, whose title has no numbers or follow-tags to differentiate it from the previous movies, the makers make it clear that this is the first in the franchise. Taking a new stab at the old formula might be a stimulating experience. But the director and the writers fall prey to the many hallmarks of the old movies so much that they can’t shrug off many ‘déjà vu’ moments in the movie like screaming face in the sand-storm, spiders (earlier beetles) creeping out in patterns out of the catacombs, bidding walking skeletons chasing the cars and the lis...